Factory-friendly ST-E1 Black color and blue rubber are now available!

이병학 기자

2024-06-20 10:59:57

Factory-friendly ST-E1 Black color and blue rubber are now available!
[빅데이터뉴스 이병학 기자] Syscall, a leader in wireless calling systems, introduced the 'ST-E1 Call button’ in new black case and blue rubber colors, specifically targeting factory environments.

With the release of the ST-E1 Call Bell in black case and blue rubber, the product can now be utilized in various settings. The call bell is available in two casing colors, black and white, and can be combined with three different rubber colors: red, orange, and blue. Depending on the situation, this allows for versatile usage of the emergency bell.

These buttons are designed in a large size for high visibility and offer twice the battery life compared to existing call buttons, enhancing convenience. Additionally, this remarkable size and smart call button reduces the incidence of missed calls.

Notably, the newly released black color is expected to be highly versatile for factory settings. A single button enables CALL and CLEAR functions, minimizing confusion in industrial environments and offering intuitive operation for enhanced convenience.

The protective case used with the ST-E1 Call button includes features such as waterproof, dustproof, and shock resistant, ensuring the emergency bell remains safe from external impacts.
Factory-friendly ST-E1 Black color and blue rubber are now available!

A Syscall representative stated, "Currently, the ST-E1 is effectively used in places like health centers and convenience stores for emergencies, where pressing the bell directly alerts a connected number or informs others of the situation. We expect even broader applications with the newly launched products targeting factories."

Meanwhile, the newly launched ST-E1 call button in black case and blue rubber is available for immediate order. Its monthly production capacity exceeds 30,000 units, ensuring quick delivery.
Factory-friendly ST-E1 Black color and blue rubber are now available!

이병학 빅데이터뉴스 기자 lbh@thebigdata.co.kr
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